


克里斯•斯图尔特, the men’s basketball play-by-play announcer for the Crimson Tide Sports Network for the past two decades, told 114 undergraduate and 55 graduate students who walked across the commencement stage Friday, that the University of Montevallo doesn’t teach a person everything they need to know. 但该机构教给学生的是……



天使佩里, a University of Montevallo graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in counseling with a specialization in clinical mental health counseling, was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of 阿拉巴马州. The 阿拉巴马州 Fellows Program is one of thirteen active Schweitzer programs across the U.S. 致力于开发[…]



阿拉巴马州的两所顶尖法学院都有蒙特瓦洛的校友掌舵. Dr. 马克·布兰登,75岁,阿拉巴马大学法学院院长. And since July 1, Blake Hudson ’02 is dean of the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University. 布莱克·哈德森今年夏天来到坎伯兰[…]



Montevallo doesn’t have a law school, but many graduates hold juris doctorates. These Falcons who have made their mark in the legal field share their Montevallo experience. 本·马克·巴克斯利87年的威坦普卡, 阿拉巴马州, assistant attorney general chief of the Opinions Division Office of the Attorney General for the State of 阿拉巴马州 “I entered the University of Montevallo […]


重点教授:博士. Latofia帕克

Raised by a grandmother with alcohol addiction in a dysfunctional home in a trailer park in the small, 派克县的布伦迪奇镇, 阿拉巴马州, 格兰杰社区咨询和健康诊所主任. Latofia帕克 knew from an early age that academic success was the way to rise above her circumstances. “我妈妈16岁的时候……”


学生焦点:Jordan Dacus

Montevallo junior Jordan Dacus is making an impact on the lives of her classmates through her work in the Student Government Association. 她希望把仆人的心带到她的事业中去. 除了她的学习, she’s focusing on her work serving her fellow students as a member of the executive committee of the […]



澳门大学为即将入学的新生举办了多次活动, 返回的学生, 高中生, 教职员工在秋季学期, ranging from Move-In Day and food trucks to goat yoga and business networking during the Fall 2022 semester. These events demonstrate just how much 砖块上的生活更美好. 参见[…]的第14和15页。



The UM National 校友 Association held its annual awards reception and dinner on Oct. 表彰工作人员的杰出服务, 教员和校友, 为本校第126届建校日的庆祝活动画上圆满句号. “This evening we come together as alumni and the University community to honor character and commitment,”斯蒂芬妮说。



UM Hires Head Coach for New Collegiate Cycling Team Jennifer Nichols has been hired as the first head coach of the University’s new collegiate cycling team created in the fall of 2021. Nichols previously served as the team director and coach of the Helena High School Mountain Bike Team from September 2019 to July 2022. […]



Your home: Calera Your hometown: Guntersville, 阿拉巴马州 What is your profession? 是什么让你选择这个职业的? 在我从澳门在线赌城娱乐毕业之后, 我在销售/广告部门工作过几年, 但我并不喜欢. I had previously worked as a student worker and orientation leader during my time at UM, so […]



刚刚过去的这个夏天, Dishman艾莉, 医学预科生物专业的大三学生, 参与了一生难得的机会. She worked at the Harvard Medical School National Center for Functional Glycomics under the esteemed Dr. Richard Cummings ’74, the Center’s director and a University of Montevallo alum. “语言无法描述它有多神奇……”



University of Montevallo Director of Student Diversity Recruitment and Retention Jason Perry ’18 M.Ed. ’20 was recently selected to participate in the 2022-2023 class of the 阿拉巴马州 Leadership Initiative sponsored by Leadership 阿拉巴马州. The 阿拉巴马州 Leadership Initiative is a six-month program that aims to expose young leaders to decision-makers in 阿拉巴马州. 被选中参加[…]



Christina Powell’s days at the University of Montevallo left her with something else besides a degree from the College of Education and Human Development. They filled her with confidence – the confidence she needed to tackle life, 每天起床,不仅仅是尝试, 但茁壮成长. “蒙特瓦洛给了我独立和信心[…]


Dr. Rosa Stoops Selected as UM’s First Christiane Angele Jacobson Endowed Spanish Chair

Dr. 罗莎·玛丽亚·斯托普斯, a professor of French and Spanish in the Department of English and World Languages at the University of Montevallo since 2005, has been selected as the first Christiane Angele Jacobson Endowed Spanish Chair in English and World Languages. Her appointment, which was recommended by the 教师 Development Advisory Committee with the […]


UM Office of Veteran and Military Affairs Honors Veterans, Past and Present

The University of Montevallo Office of Veteran and Military Affairs honored veterans and hosted events for their dependents in association with Veterans Day. 11月. 8, the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs participated in a flag placement ceremony at the 阿拉巴马州 National Cemetery. The Campus Veterans Association, the student organization that is associated with […]


澳门大学戏剧系主办“朋克摇滚女孩”!“11月. 17-20

The University of Montevallo Department of Theatre presents “Punk Rock Girl!丽贝卡·J. 在艺术中心发现谢尔比剧院的卢克舞台. 演出定于11月. 每晚17-19点,晚上7:30.m.,日场演出定于11月11日(周六)举行. 11月19日和周日. 下午2点20分.m. 每一天. 门票可以[…]


学生焦点:Gemali Alcantara

Gemali Alcantara是来自洪都拉斯的第一代大学生. 在没有任何指导的情况下,他渴望得到更多,于是他去寻找. College was the route that he decided would be best, but he wasn’t sure how he’d pull that off. 然后,澳门在线赌城娱乐打开了一扇门. “很多学校都录取了我,但没有一个……”